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电话: 021-58404921-8030
传真: 021-58354552
姓名: Sunny Xiao
Shanghai Vigor Technology Development Co.,Ltd.
辉格倾角传感器 价格:1元/台
辉格倾角传感器 价格:1元/台

  Shanghai Vigor Technology Development Co. Ltd. was founded in 2001. With the base management idea of profession and marketing, Vigor carries out the business of sensors’ R&D, marketing service and technical support, solution providing as well as all respects of technical service application worldwide. Based on the regulation of professional marketing, Vigor has taken efforts to develop Automobile Electronic, Consumption Electric poweral, Survey Instrument/system, rail/subway system, construc

主要产品/业务: inclinometer,tilt sensor,sensor,IR Thermometer,Accelerometer,Digital Level Meter,Digital Compass

Shanghai Vigor Technology Development Co.,Ltd. / 上海 / No. 4-289, Bisheng Road, Zhangjiang High Tech park, (201204) / 电话:021-58404921-8030

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